
Rachael Beck- "I am a Mountaineer": a shutter-speed excercise

This picture was taken with a Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi with a Shutter speed of 1/32 seconds, an F-stop of f/8, ISO speed of 1600, flash, and a focal length of 18.0 mm. The shutter speed and flash were chosen for the benefit of motion blur and subject focus in the same image, the ISO was chosen because of the lighting, and the focal length was chosen so that this image was close and personal, but not too close. I like this image because it has movement, yet it is still generally clear, it has emotion, it has interaction, and it makes me feel something. I instinctively like big, wild smiles that come not from the urging of a photographer, but from a moment captured by a photographer. I would change the angle. I would change the ISO to 800, or 400.

1 comment:

  1. I like the sense of swing, how the hair goes out
